
Robotics process automation

Secured BOT Series

Risk Management For and By the BOT

RoBOTs have sooner become a reality than most of us thought. In the current avatar, Robots are making your business more responsive, cost effective, compliant and efficient. Many of us already see these digital clicks happening around us. We are already entering an era where BOTs are doing intelligent work and building efficiencies. While technology makes our life efficient, it also opens new risks to the business environment. A typical Robotics Process Automation (RPA) system design provisions interconnection between multiple systems and hence also has an impact on underlying system control environment.

Industries today face a large number of internal and external compliance requirements. With the regulators adopting technology, the demand for timely and granular compliance is common. RPA provide a unique value proposition for many such requirements. A carefully designed RPA can improve the accuracy of records and response time. On the other hand, with 100% review of records, compliance monitoring through RPA improves the quality of reviews and enhance stakeholder confidence.

Through the PoV – “Risk Management For and By the BOT”, Deloitte Risk Advisory aims to bring out more that can be done in Risk “for” and “by” the BOT and help create a secure BOT strategy when they move from a POC to Production environment as it is essential for an organization.

Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Every RPA implementation has its unique proposition of the processes automated, applications accessed, RPA products and organizational maturity. While the business case may differ with the combination, the existence of risks is persistent. The risks which come with RPA should be looked in to and managed with great caution. With an understanding of the key Risk domains of RPA it has become important to self-assess, how well your RPA risk are managed.

Does your RPA evaluation framework involves risk and security considerations? Does your vulnerability management programme covers the BOT landscape? Do you know how much data your BOT is handling and the data handoffs? Do you have a process to proactively detect invalid BOT access or any anomalies in applications/ network in your organization?

Through the self-assessment questionnaire  – “Secured BOT Series - Self-Assessment Questionnaire”, Deloitte Risk Advisory aims to help organizations run a thorough self- assessment of their RPA environment as per the current level of maturity on different parameters.

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