Árleg netörggisráðstefna Deloitte á Norðurlöndunum, Cyber Agenda 2020, er haldin þriðjudaginn 10. nóvember klukkan 08:00-11:00. Ráðstefnan í ár verður rafræn og ber yfirskriftina Next normal – more digital.
Á ráðstefnunni verður farið yfir hvernig fyrirtæki, og samfélög í heild, takast á við nýjan raunveruleika. Þá verður fjallað um strauma og stefnur í netöryggsmálum, þær áskoranir sem við stöndum nú frammi fyrir, auk þess að heyra frá stjórnendum fyrirtækja um reynslu þeirra og upplifun á netárásum.
- 08:00 Opnunarávarp, Serdar Cabuk, meðeigandi hjá Deloitte
- 08:15 Trine Bramsen, varnarmálaráðherra Danmerkur
- 08:50 Emily Mossburg, yfirmaður netöryggisþjónustu Deloitte Global
- 09:25 Flemming Busch, fjármálastjóri Blue Water Shipping
- 10:00 Pål Göran Stensson, yfirmaður netöryggismála hjá IKEA
- 10:35 Samantekt, Serdar Cabuk, meðeigandi hjá Deloitte
Serdar Cabuk, meðeigandi hjá Deloitte
Serdar is the National Managing Partner for Cyber Risk in Denmark and leads Deloitte’s Nordic Cyber risk practice. Over 15 years, he has helped major Danish, Nordic and global companies in managing their cyber risks and transforming their organisations to stay ahead of the curve.
At Cyber Agenda 2020 Serdar will be the host
Trine Bramsen, varnarmálaráðherra Danmerkur
As the Minister of Defence, Trine is responsible for the Danish armed forces, the Danish Defence Intelligence Service and the Danish Emergency Management Agency.
At Cyber Agenda 2020 Trine will talk about:
Learn how the Ministry of Defence is dealing with the serious cyber threat to Danish companies, organisations and authorities, which efforts is being made to lift the security level and why greater transparency in business about cyber attacks is important.
Emliy Mossburg, yfirmaður netöryggisþjónustu Deloitte Global
Emily Mossburg serves as Deloitte’s Global Cyber Leader. A 20+ year cybersecurity professional, Emily has supported a range of clients and industries helping them to transform and evolve their cyber programs.
At Cyber Agenda 2020 Emily will talk about:
How did a global pandemic create organizational chaos and the perfect opportunity for cyber adversaries? Find out which regions of the world have been most impacted and explore how organizations should focus on a cyber-powered future as their businesses undertake massive transformation efforts, new ways of working, and reimagined ways of connecting with customers.
Flemming Busch, fjármálastjóri Blue Water Shipping
Flemming is the CFO at Blue Water Shipping which is a global provider of all logistics services in modern supply chain management.
At Cyber Agenda 2020 Flemming will talk about:
What do you do when you are at the receiving end of a cyber attack?
Learn how the Danish logistics company Blue Water Shipping managed to get control over the situation when hackers tried to gain access to their data and systems and get a look into the extensive consequences of an attack.
Pål Göran Stensson, yfirmaður netöryggismála hjá IKEA
Pål is the Head Of Cyber Security at IKEA where he drives a new agenda where Cyber Security is the enabler of the digital business model.
At Cyber Agenda 2020 Pål will talk about:
IKEA is undergoing an immense digital transformation these years, and Cyber Security is playing an important part. In this speech, Pål Göran will talk about how he is supporting the digital transformation of IKEA, lessons learned, and how IKEA is rapidly growing its Cyber Security capabilities in house.