25 May

Geta bálkakeðjur aukið trúverðugleika kolefnismarkaða?

Opinn fundur og panelumræður

Tungumál viðburðar: English

25. maí kl. 16-17 í stóra salnum í Grósku, Bjargargötu 1

Skráning | Registration


English below


Deloitte stendur fyrir opnum fundi og panelumræðum á Iceland Innovation Week. Viðburðurinn verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 25. maí kl. 16:00-17:00 í stóra salnum í Grósku, Bjargargötu 1. Léttar veitingar í boði. Viðburðurinn er opinn öllum án endurgjalds en áhugasamir eru vinsamlegast beðnir um að skrá sig.

Til þess að ná markmiðum Parísarsamkomulagsins um að draga úr losun gróðurhúsaloftegunda er nauðsynlegt að virkja einkageirann í að fjárfesta í loftlagsverkefnum sem miða að því að draga úr losun eða binda kolefni til langs tíma. Valfrjálsi kolefnismarkaðurinn hefur verið gagnrýndur fyrir ógagnsæi og tvítalningu kolefniseininga. Með tilkomu bálkakeðja (e. blockchain) er komin leið sem hefur möguleika á að auka gagnsæi og koma í veg fyrir tvítalningu kolefniseininga rafrænt og veita þannig fjárfestum öruggan vettvang til þess að styðja við hágæða loftlagsverkefni.

Markmið viðburðarins er að fá saman einstaklinga úr fjártækni, vísinda- og fjárfestingaheiminum til þess að ræða áskoranir og tækifæri í að virkja einkageirann í því að fjárfesta í loftslagsverkefnum.

Í tilefni af Iceland Innovation Week, býður Deloitte upp á panelumræður þar sem þátttakendur frá leiðandi fyrirtækjum á þessum mörkuðum koma fram:

Deloitte Svíþjóð

Running Tide

International Carbon Registry

Carbon Expert
Rannveig Anna Guicharnaud on LinkedIn

Rannveig has an extensive knowledge of the global carbon cycle and provides consultancy to projects aiming at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for generating carbon credits. Rannveig is a member of the Technical Panel of Plan Vivo and a member of the European Commission (EC) Technical Working Group for Carbon, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification.  

Head of Sustainability Strategy & Transformation
Helena Nordström on LinkedIn

Helena is a sustainability, strategy and innovation professional with extensive experience from strategy consulting, global tech corporates and sustaintech start-ups. She is leading the Sustainability Strategy & Transformation area in Deloitte Sweden, supporting Nordic clients to become more sustainable and circular while achieving commercial success. She has experience from many industries, including retail, energy, climatetech and telecom and have worked many years with voluntary carbon markets through nature based solutions.

Head of Growth
Luke Rondel on LinkedIn

Luke is responsible for Growth at Running Tide. This includes new market development, channel and direct sales, customer success, and soft funding, as well as developing industrial partnerships to scale Running Tide's supply chain. 

After more than 15 years working on climate objectives through the design and operation of buildings, Luke transitioned to carbon removal in response to the growing urgency of the climate crisis. Luke’s passion for solving complex problems and experience working at large scales enable his work at Running Tide. 

Luke lives in Vermont with his wife and daughter and spends as much time as possible outside of work hiking, biking, and skiing.

Head of Operations
Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir on LinkedIn

Margret is Head of Operations at Transition Labs, a private climate initiative that partners with the highest impact climate projects from around the world and helps founders deploy and scale leveraging the strengths and assets of Iceland.

Margret is passionate about problem solving as well as acceleration of green projects and climate tech companies. She has broad industry knowledge and experience including funding and growing climate tech companies, operating and building plants, investing in startups, and stakeholder management in complex projects. Previous positions include business development, corporate banking, and corporate restructuring at Landsbankinn, senior management roles at Carbon Recycling International, and most recently Partner at Brunnur Ventures. Margret has held numerous board seats both in the private and public sector.

Managing Director and Co-Founder
Ólafur Páll Torfason on LinkedIn

Ólafur Páll is Mojoflower's managing director and co-founder. Mojoflower is developing a cutting-edge blockchain-based carbon registration system in partnership with the International Carbon Registry that will lead the way in its industry. Transparency and traceability can be guaranteed thanks to new technology. With a built-in inventory management system and a connection to a market, the system assists carbon project managers from planning to release.

Director of Sustainability
Rakel Eva Sævarsdóttir on LinkedIn

Rakel Eva Sævarsdóttir is a Director of Sustainability at Aspiration, a carbon asset management platform originally founded in the US but operates around the world. She is responsible for driving the company’s sustainability agenda globally as well as working with an advanced team of export supporting corporations across the globe reach Net Zero. As based in Iceland she further focuses on sourcing and building up Aspiration’s carbon assets with carbon projects in Europe.

Rakel is passionate about pursuing her strengths and competence in having a positive impact; Through her work at Aspiration on the global carbon market and supporting organizations reaching Net Zero. Through her role as a board member of Festa a non profit organization that serves as a catalyst for change towards a sustainable and regenerative future and furthermore by participating in the energy transition through her role as a board member of Alor, an aluminum-ion battery storage startup.  

Business Development and Project Management
Selja Ósk Snorradóttir on LinkedIn

Selja works in Commercial Strategy at Carbfix, specializing in sustainability. Prior to joining Carbfix she worked as a sustainability consultant, advising private and public organizations on carbon accounting and ESG reporting. 

She has a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and master’s degrees from Lund University in International Marketing and Brand Management, and Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science.



Deloitte hosts a panel discussion at Iceland Innovation Week. The event will take place on Thursday, May 25th at 4PM-5PM in Gróska Big Auditorium, Bjargargötu 1. The event is open to everyone, those interested are kindly asked to register above.

In order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming we urgently need to mobilize private capital for scaling up reliable and high-quality carbon projects. The voluntary carbon market has received critics for lack of transparency and double counting. The emerging Fintech and blockchain technologies have the potential to address concerns of double counting and transparency through their digital platform and tracking of carbon credits. This digital platform can connect carbon developers with investors looking for a meaningful impact as well as receiving a solid financial return on their investment.

This event aims to bring together bright minds from the fintech/blockchain sector and seasoned carbon project developers to discuss what obstacles and opportunities lie ahead for mobilizing private capital for high impact carbon projects. Deloitte will host a panel discussion where we will have representatives from leading companies in these sectors.

Thursday, 25 May 2023 Iceland
Deila Deila viðburð
Skráning | Registration