

Blockchain is to money what internet is to information

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At its heart, blockchain is a digital and secure protocol for exchanging value over the internet without a trusted central counterparty.

Blockchain is changing current digital landscape. It will change the way consumers interact with each other, and the way in which traditional digital services are provided across all industries, globally.

It will impact both IT systems architecture and business models thanks to its features of unique digital identification of assets and decentralized yet crypto secure system of data sharing.


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Out of the block

From hype to prototype

Out of the Blocks is the joint whitepaper of Efma, Deloitte and KBC Securities presenting powerful insights and a privileged point of view on the blockchain phenomenon from financial institutions perspective.

Deloitte si associa ad e rafforza la sua practice in tecnologia blockchain

Deloitte conferma il suo posizionamento alla frontiera dell’innovazione FinTech entrando in, l’associazione italiana per la promozione della tecnologia blockchain

EMEA FinTech Talks

Italian edition Blockchain

Gli EMEA FinTech Talks sono eventi su scala internazionale curati da Deloitte e nati per ispirare idee e riflessioni correlate ai Financial Services e, più specificatamente, al mondo FinTech.


Paolo Gianturco

Equity Partner

Deloitte Consulting S.r.l.

Country Head of FinTech and EMEA Co-lead Grid blockchain lab 




Annalisa Izzo


Deloitte Consulting S.r.l.



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