Harnessing a networked enterprise of human resilience
The Adaptable Organization is a fundamental shift in operating and management philosophy that enables large-scale global organizations to operate with a start-up mindset and drive modern people practices that enable enterprise agility through empowered networks of teams
A journey through the adaptable organization
The Ecosystem
Historically, in stable times, organizations derived competitive advantage through progressive attempts to be more standardized, efficient and better at doing what ‘they had been doing’ for a long time. In unpredictable times, organizational survival requires the understanding that organizations exist within a broader external ecosystem, united by a specific, customer-centric purpose that is constantly evolving to remain relevant. What we have learned from clients who are embracing an ecosystem mindset:
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When change is predictable, stable organizational hierarchies can support order, clear decision-making, and functional silos to ensure maximum efficiency. However, in an era of exponential change, traditional organization models cannot keep up. What we are starting to see when it comes to structure and design of Adaptable Organizations:
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Conventional wisdom believes that high-performing individuals deliver organizational performance. Adaptable Organizations place greater emphasis on the team and unlock individual performance through team composition and new ways of working. What effective team development looks like in an Adaptable Organization:
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As organizations pivot and adapt to shifting contexts, the adaptability of leaders becomes essential. Leaders must be able to energize, empower, and connect people across the ecosystem and lead any team in any context. Leadership in the Adaptable Organization is a departure from the traditional, role-based view of leadership:
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The traditional view of the employee assumes people inherently resist change and talent programs provide stability. In Adaptable Organizations, resiliency and accepting change becomes part of the organization's DNA and talent programs exist to enable that resilience. How an individual is woven into the ecosystem of an Adaptable Organization:
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