Shared service centers


Shared service centers

We offer an integrated approach to the establishment, localisation and optimisation of processes to be transferred to a shared service center (SSC). When delivering SSC projects we take into account your specific accounting, tax, legal, technological and procedural issues.

  • Increase the effectiveness of business processes and control at business support units, through re-engineering, standardisation and transfer to a single information platform
  • Reduce time spent on support for accounting, HR, IT, procurement, tax accrual, and administrative processes
  • Increase the effectiveness of the existing shared service center
  • Regionalize certain functions and reduce staff costs

Corporate goals and objectives

We offer an integrated approach to the establishment, allocation or optimisation of processes to be transferred to a shared service centre (SSC). When delivering SSC projects we take into account all related accounting, tax, legal, technological and procedural issues.

We provide turn-key SSC projects,  assessments of the economic effect of implementation on an SSC , or solutions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of a pre-existing SSC.

Our services

Our approach includes business processes design, implementation and set up of IT solutions, and assistance with management changes associated with the SSC implementation. A full-scale SSC implementation project involves 5 stages:

  • Planning and feasibility study
  • Design
  • Development and testing
  • Implementation and roll-out
  • Optimization and stabilisation

Our approach