TMT Predictions 2015: Southeast Asia edition


TMT Predictions 2015

Southeast Asia Edition

There are few other industries as ‘mercurial’ as Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT). It delivers constant, significant change, with the decades of sustained processor power and connectivity speed increases being the best examples. These changes can provoke massive disruption, but can also strengthen existing industries.

Our endeavor with TMT Predictions 2015 is to provide a considered point of view on key industry trends. In some cases, we seek to identify the drivers behind major inflection points and milestones, such as the first billion-unit year for the smartphone sector, or the take-off of contactless mobile payments.

In others our intent is to explain why we are not expecting fundamental change, such as in the use of drones for home deliveries, or in smartphone battery technology or the deployment of miniature satellites, known as nanosats.

For the 2015 edition, Deloitte Southeast Asia’s TMT practice has once again included its “Southeast Asia perspectives” with a number of the global TMT predictions. These sections offer some insight into how the global developments may take a different course or growth trajectory within the region due to its unique idiosyncrasies.

TMT Predictions 2015: Southeast Asia edition
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