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AIFMD reporting context and key issues


Following the transposition of AIFMD by European Member States, AIFMs have reporting obligations regarding the AIFs
they manage and operate.

The reporting templates were defined by the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) under the articles 24(1), 24(2), 24(4) and 3(3)(d) of the Directive.

Key Issues


AIFMD reporting entered the regulatory landscape as a means to standardize the information disclosed to regulators and to provide transparency to the alternative investment industry. The reports aim to capture the complexity of various portfolios driven by different investment strategies.

Attempting to provide a full picture of the risks taken by the investment vehicles, the reports require the computation of risk figures, operational data as well as legal information.

Since the enforcement of the Directive, some areas have been clarified. However, it still require expert interpretation for transposition.
