Art & Finance services

Generating value from art

Deloitte Luxembourg proposes a cluster of top art and finance services for the fine art, cultural and financial sectors.

"Business Art is the step that comes after Art", Andy Warhol

Our Art & Finance services

We provide Art & Finance services for:

  • Professional financial advisors (private banks, wealth managers, family offices)
  • Institutional investors (hedge funds, endowments funds, private equity firms, art/collectibles/alternative assets investment funds)
  • Private / corporate collectors
  • Cultural / art institutions, foundations, art project managers
  • Corporations looking to develop and extend on art activities

Whatever your sector, we can provide multidisciplinary services and tailor-made solutions relative to your activity.

  • Art & Finance seminars for professionals
  • Forensic, Anti Money Laundering and Business Intelligence services
  • Art fund investment services: Integrating art / collectibles in your investment strategy, monitoring and selecting art funds, review of funds' performance, regulatory, compliance and fund registration, fund reporting, statutory and contractual audit of the financial statements
  • New venture services: development and set up assistance, manage gifts and donations to museums, lending art for exhibitions
  • Tax services: direct and indirect taxation, international tax planning, VAT analysis and optimisation, tax compliance, valuation advice, tax efficient repatriation strategy, tax reporting, estate planning
  • Collection management & logistics services: inventory, advisory on service providers for collection management software systems, transportation, storage, package, framing, lighting, security and insurance
  • Strategy services: art-secured lending advisory, strategic analysis, market studies, target audience, cost control, cultural plan, feasibility studies, planning loans to museums, customer practice and marketing, branding and image services
  • Financial services: corporate finance services, marketing and investor road-show presentations, preparation of investor presentation materials, business plan, economic impact assessment, financial health check, fundraising audit and development, capital raising

Discover our Art & Finance service offering in Chinese (PDF file - 662kb).