Knowledge Management services
Unleashing the power of knowledge – enabling the workforce of tomorrow
In today’s business world, complexity is everywhere and knowledge is key to keeping on top of what is ahead. Creating an environment where knowledge can be created, circulated and ultimately shared at the right place and time is crucial to ensuring that an organization can thrive.
Our unique knowledge exchange service provides a tailored answer to leveraging and unleashing the power of knowledge, be it in-person or in a virtual format.
Share & Connect – breaking the barriers of knowledge sharing
Is your organization facing internal knowledge silos, geographical isolation of employees or a high turn-over, ultimately jeopardizing your workforce’s quality of work and efficiency where knowledge is not shared?Are your teams ‘stuck’ in worn out work structures impacting their ability to collaborate and to effectively move forward?Deloitte’s unique Share & Connect offering has the solution to your knowledge sharing challenges through a tailor-made approach that fits the specific needs of your organization. It focuses on bringing people together, inviting them to share, discover and exchange, and to connect the dots between people and knowledge.
Why Deloitte ?
Deloitte has successfully implemented this format internally for the past three years through more than 70 Share & Connect sessions that welcomed more than 2,000 participants. An independent internal survey showed a 95% satisfaction rate regarding job impact, program value, learning curve, facilitation, support materials, event structure and organization.
Sustainable, mature KM Programs enable an organization's workforce to optimize knowledge & information flow for solidly-based, real-time decision making and to leverage knowledge for competitive advantage, thus are essential for workforce performance and an organization's success.
Every Share & Connect, I'm impressed how the facilitator gets everyone to engage and is very knowledgeable.
The presentations were very interesting and encouraged us to interact and think out of the box.