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Investment management data foundation

To cope with growing regulatory requirements and their daily operational needs, management companies (ManCos) in Europe need to process multiple fund data sets across various sources and delegates, including fund administrators, transfer agencies and custodians. However, most ManCos lack a centralized tool to effectively manage these incoming and outgoing fund data flows.

To help asset managers tackle these challenges, Deloitte offers a range of data management solutions tailored to the unique needs and setup of each investment manager in the industry.

Our data management solution is part of Deloitte’s ManCoTech platform, which intelligently combines solutions and technologies to support your unique needs.
Discover more in this video and the dedicated webpage.

Helping you imagine and execute your ManCoTech transformation journey

First, we plan your ideal ManCoTech roadmap with you. Then, we help make it a reality and implement your “new normal”. Select the level of service that suits your organization best:

Our capabilities

A concrete data management service with the right mix of people and technology is the best way to boost data quality and your organization’s success. Our services help you manage a large number of data sets, ensuring that the best quality “golden data” is preserved and distributed using different transmission channels..The essential building blocks of any robust data management solution