
Deloitte’s global carbon reduction goals by 2025 

Deloitte Middle East has committed to reduce carbon emissions by setting clear and measurable targets!

Climate change, water scarcity, supply chain risks, waste and recycling are challenging the limits of traditional processes and technologies and demanding greater attention from business. As a result, environmental sustainability has moved from being a niche area overseen by specialists to becoming a C-suite priority. Environmental sustainability is now often a consideration in Deloitte client engagements and is increasingly a critical component of Deloitte’s own operations, strategic initiatives and senior-level agendas.

Client-focused capabilities

Deloitte’s sustainability service lines continue to grow. They currently include environmental sustainability services related to strategy, resource productivity, risk mitigation, attest services and supply chain. Renewable energy services are also expanding as clients explore innovative supply arrangements. And Deloitte has engaged with clients on a broad range of environmental sustainability topics including energy, water, greenhouse gas emissions, plastics, circular economy and supply chain.

Internal initiatives

Environmental sustainability innovation and advancements continue to be made within Deloitte’s own operations.

For example, upon its opening in July 2018, the new 270,000-square-foot headquarters for Deloitte UK and Deloitte North and South Europe became the largest office in the world to achieve leading certifications for being both an exemplar green building and one designed to enhance the wellbeing of its people. In addition to achieving an “Outstanding” certification from BREEAM, a leading green-building rating system, the new office became the largest WELL Certified™ Gold for “New and Existing Interiors project” in the world. The office earned this distinction based on seven categories of building and operational performance including air, water, light, nourishment, fitness, comfort and mind.

Deloitte Belgium’s Mobility@Deloitte provides another example of an initiative aimed at addressing environmental impacts. It was developed based on consultation with subject-matter specialists, focus groups across every business unit and level, and extensive pilot testing. Four multimodal mobility packages were created that allow individuals to choose programs that address their needs by providing incentives to opt for electric company cars and make use of biking, public transportation, telecommuting and other alternatives.

Sustainability goals

Efforts such as these contribute to the global Deloitte ambition to reduce greenhouse gas building emissions by 36 percent per unit of area, fleet emissions by 11 percent and travel per FTE by 10 percent by FY2025 based on the FY2017 baseline. The building and fleet emissions components of the goals were crafted following science-based methodology. And furthering Deloitte’s commitment to the environment, emissions arising from Deloitte air travel during FY2019 are being offset through the purchase of carbon credits that are third-party verified.

Senior leaders also engage on the topic of environmental sustainability through the quarterly meetings of the Deloitte Societal Impact Council, a senior leadership group focused on Deloitte’s social impact and responsible business agenda. Membership of the Council is drawn from the Deloitte Global Board of Directors, the Deloitte Global Executive and other senior leaders. During FY2019, the Council was chaired by the Deloitte Global Chairman, underpinning the importance of this agenda.

Deloitte is committed to a long-term sustainability journey in which it addresses its own environmental impacts and supports clients as they seek to do the same.

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