
Sustainability Reporting & Assurance 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risk demands the attention of boards and audit committees. Non-financial reporting and disclosures consistent with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are increasingly requiring action.

Independent verification provides assurance to stakeholders on organizations’ disclosures of sustainability activities and low carbon initiatives, along with their progress towards goals. We work with our clients on green bond assurance, sustainability reporting and a number of other areas focused on Sustainability Assurance. 

Our sustainability assurance services include:

Sustainability report advice

Our sustainability reporting services support internal teams to assess the impact of their existing sustainability policies, measure risk, and create value through their ESG reporting.

We provide reporting advice on:

  • Mandatory reporting compliance (as per legislative or listing requirements) and gap analysis of reporting against voluntary reporting schemes (such as TCFD or GRI)
  • Support in identifying material issues in terms of sustainability (including stakeholder materiality reviews); and support in structuring and developing sustainability reports and/or disclosures around them
  • Assistance to improve performance against Sustainability Rating agencies and/or indexes (such as CDP, DJSI, FTSE4Good, or SRI Analysis)
  • Benchmark analysis services of reporting practices against peer and industry best practices.
  • Support in IPO Readiness exercises

Climate change reporting
We also work with clients to measure their performance on climate change by connecting their decarbonization efforts to a recognized framework like the Taskforce for Climate Disclosures (TCFD).

Pay gap reporting
In assessing the social performance of a company’s sustainability initiatives, pay gap reporting is of the utmost importance. Our sustainability assurance services will help our clients understand any existing inequities and how they can be best addressed.

Green bond assurance
We work with our clients to explore the popularity of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Bonds and what companies should consider as they move towards more progressive social behavior while mitigating the risk these activities can have on the bottom line. 

Non-financial assurance
We also provide third-party assurance services under ISAE 3000 framework (for sustainability KPIs, impact KPIs, disclosures, and stand-alone reports) and third-party assurance services against industry and sustainability reporting standards (such as claims of compliance under the Global Reporting Initiative ‘GRI’).

KPI development, data collection, and digitalization
We have worked with a number of clients in the Middle East on impact measurement and valuation. We also work with our clients to support in developing, selecting, and prioritizing KPIs, and designing data measurement, collection, review, and validation procedures. In addition, our teams can design automated data collection, processing, and reporting tools, which further help our clients to design and enhance data controls. 

You can find our diverse Sustainabilty solutions here