
Family Business CxO Transition Lab

The Deloitte Family Business CxO Transition Lab helps new executives in family-owned businesses to reflect on their hopes, fears, and legacy and create a 180-day plan that considers their top priorities, culture, and key relationships.

Deloitte Family Business Center has created the Family Business Lab, an exclusive, confidential and personalized one-day experience for individuals at the C-suite level in family-owned businesses who are either about to take on their first executive role, or established executives experiencing significant change in their organization. The individuals can be either members of the family or non-family members.

Focus on business, family and ownership

We do not focus on the business only, we look at the whole system of family, ownership and the business. We believe that alignment between the family and the business is important for the new CxO to be successful. We take a family business ’systems’ view, which involves taking into account the three circles of ’family’, ’ownership’, and ‘business’, and how they interrelate. This means that our approach is always to consider the family, their ownership, and their business activities in parallel.

A single day to map the first six months of your journey in a family-owned business

The agenda of Deloitte Family Business Center’s Family Business CxO Transition Labs focuses on the three most important resources CxOs should consider managing during their transitions: personal and organizational time management, talent in the organization, and critical stakeholder relations. The one-day session culminates in a tangible 180-day work plan with four workstreams for you to:

  • Define and communicate priorities
  • Assess and develop a talent strategy
  • Understand and influence specific stakeholders
  • Frame tangible actions to execute priorities

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