20 Jul.

Leadership and governance program for the Board of Directors of the Minister of Finance Company (Incorporated) and federal statutory bodies

Thursday, 08:00 a.m.  MYT | 4 hr 15 min
Event language: English

Governance training for board members of MoF and their investment companies.


YB Dato' Seri Haji Ahmad bin Maslan, Deputy Minister of Finance I, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia


YBhg. Dato’ Anis Rizana Mohd Zainudin, Deputy Secretary General (Investment), Ministry of Finance, Malaysia


Kasturi Nathan, Leader, Governance, Regulatory & Sustainability Services, Deloitte


Krishman Varges, Director, Governance, Regulatory & Sustainability Services, Deloitte


Oo Yang Ping, Leader, APAC Conduct Watch, Deloitte


Kamarul Baharin, Leader, Government & Public Services Industry, Deloitte

Please click here to download the presentation slide.

Deloitte Speaker Profiles

Kamarul Baharin

Government & Public Services Industry Leader

Malaysia Global Boardroom Program Co-Leader

Deloitte Malaysia

Kamarul has more than 20 years of experience with the public accounting practice with Deloitte. His work encompasses various aspects of auditing and he has been involved in various audit assignments comprising clients ranging from small limited companies to public listed companies and multinational corporations involved in agriculture, manufacturing, banking, property development, advertising, transportation, retailing and trading. He was also involved in the audit of a statutory body.

In his advisory role, Kamarul has been involved in advising client in the preparation of integrated reporting under IIRC Framework and sustainability reporting under TCFD Framework. His experience includes matters related to development of sustainability strategy and framework.

Kasturi Nathan

Governance, Regulatory & Sustainability Services Leader

Deloitte Malaysia

Kasturi is armed with more than 26 years of working experience specialising in corporate governance advisory, board advisory services, compliance as well as sustainability advisory services.  In the professional sphere, she is a renowned trainer of boards, adjudicator for several eminent corporate reporting awards and was an appointed subject matter expert for corporate governance assessments conducted by World Bank and a regional development financial institution.

Oo Yang Ping

Forensics Leader

Deloitte Malaysia

Yang Ping leads the Deloitte Forensic practice in Malaysia, with over 25 years of experience in professional services. He has advised clients of various sizes and industries on fraud and anti-bribery risk, compliance, and assurance related matters in the UK, US and Asia. His experience includes helping organisations in the area of corporate governance, risk management, as well as process and controls enhancements.

Prakash Arikrishnan

Government & Public Services Industry Director

Deloitte Malaysia

Prakash is a Director in the Global Treasury Advisory Services Group of Deloitte Southeast Asia. Prakash has over 20 years of experience in providing audit and treasury advisory services for investments banks, group treasury and ALM functions, broker-dealers and capital market divisions of large national bank, international bank and corporates, within the United Kingdom and Malaysia.

Krishman Varges

Governance, Regulatory & Sustainability Services Director

Deloitte Malaysia

Krishman is a Director with the Governance, Regulatory and Sustainability Services Department within the Risk Advisory practice of Deloitte in Malaysia. He has close to 11 years of working experience including in the field of standard setting with the national capital market regulator and consulting with an advisory practice of a Big 4 Firm. Over the decade, Krishman has carved a honed specialisation in board advisory and governance work across public and private sectors. He has been involved in numerous governance engagements spanning across board effectiveness evaluations, remuneration analyses, diagnostic and readiness assessments, policy formulation and general meeting facilitation. He also co-led the corporate governance validation exercise of top public listed companies across the ASEAN region.

Thought Leadership

Board readiness

The 2023 board agenda

First published in 2018, this publication revisits ‘hot topics’ on the board's agenda, refreshed to reflect current trends.

How boards are nurturing and measuring stakeholder trust

Boards could do more to integrate trust-building across stakeholder groups into their corporate governance strategy.

Digital frontier: A technology deficit in the boardroom

Deloitte's new research of global directors and corporate leaders uncovers gaps in board engagement on digital transformation and technology topics

The Chairperson’s Guide to Valuing Nature

We are in a decisive decade to accelerate action against climate change. Choices made over the next decade will impact the world for centuries to come. Board members have stewardship obligations that include taking action to address climate change 

Get In Touch



Kamarul Baharin

Government & Public Services Industry Leader
Malaysia Global Boardroom Program Co-Leader  kbaharin@deloitte.com
+603 7610 8807

Mohd Fariz Mohd Faruk

Government & Public Services Industry Deputy Leader
+603 7610 8153

Thursday, 20 Jul 2023 08:00 a.m. MYT
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