Creating a Sustainable Future for Asian Charitable Giving
The concept of giving is in no way foreign to Asia however, some parties have argued that there seems to be a lack of structured giving in the region, and as such have called into question the sustainability of such philanthropic activities without a clearer structured approach. The aim of the event was to throw the spotlight on this argument, discuss its merit and the future of philanthropic giving in Asia, while considering the various modalities which may be adopted towards ensuring the sustainability of the charitable aim while ensuring its effective governance. With a range of regional speakers from Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, attendees learned from thought leaders in the field of wealth management, estate planning, philanthropy, on the following specific areas:
- How to structure a sustainable philanthropic entity (to suit your Syariah/Sharia & conventional needs)
- Whether a charity should be run like a corporation; where do the similarities and differences diverge
- What the minimum governance standards are which should apply to a philanthropic entity, and whether there are different standards of care in an Islamic philanthropic initiative
- What structures would be best suited for charitable entities and why