Cyber Compromise Assessment
Use of advanced malware by sophisticated attackers is becoming an increasing threat to organisations today as it enables them to remain undetected. These advanced malware can potentially lead to reputational damage, data loss, theft, regulatory fines and operational disruption.
Research has shown attacks that have prolonged access typically extend across the supply chain, and a correlation between extended access and the likelihood of a disruptive outcome.
Our solution
Using Deloitte’s Cyber Compromise Assessment (CCA) on your estate will help identify if there is a current or indicators of a past compromise of your network - utilising the latest threat intelligence and detection techniques.
The approach is designed to be light-touch, with simple and temporary monitoring installations. With a typical end-to-end duration of approximately seven to nine weeks, dependent on the nature of any incidents identified and the remediation activities undertaken.
Find out more in our brochure.