Malaysia Global Employer Services 2015 Satisfaction Survey

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Your input is important to us. Based on your response to the following service evaluation, we will continue to improve our service delivery to you.



The Deloitte Client Service Team (CST):

(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)


 Much Better
 On Par
 Not as Good
(1=Very High/Completely Satisfied to 6=Very Low/Completely Dissatisfied)
