Transparantieverslag Deloitte | Deloitte Netherlands


Transparency Report Deloitte

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In our Transparency Reports we report our efforts, progress and results regarding audit quality. Furthermore, we share the outcome of external and internal inspections. Download the report below.

Transparency Report 2022 - 2023

In our Transparency Report for the year 2022-2023, we present our ongoing endeavors, advancements, and outcomes concerning Audit Quality. This year's edition delves deeper into several key themes. For instance, it provides a comprehensive explanation of the implementation of ISQM1 and outlines our dedicated efforts related to ESG. Additionally, we offer further insights into external reviews conducted by both the AFM, focusing on fraud risk analysis, and the PCAOB. The report also highlights various initiatives aimed at our employees, such as the Young Audit Board and our culture program. Furthermore, it offers a more detailed overview of the role of training and practical education within our firm.

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