Posted: 18 Dec. 2023 1 min. read

A decade at the Edge: looking back, ahead and within

If you look back on the past decade, what took you by surprise? What were your most important experiences, and what are you most proud of?

"A decade at the Edge" is a collection of short stories about change: We interviewed ten leaders who have worked with us at the Center for the Edge Europe. We asked them to share a few significant moments of insight over the past decade, and identify long-term opportunities for the next. We combined their reflections and organized them into three sections: The Call to Explore, Edge Explorers, and Leadership by Narrative.

See the short movie about our journey through a decade of groundbreaking ideas, collaborative ventures, and transformative insights at the Center for the Edge Europe.

Each of our contributors has much to say about change, but our ambition for this publication was to produce a series of short stories, to stimulate creative thinking.

Over the last ten years, the Center for the Edge in Europe has influenced the transformation of several large organisations over the years, by combining original research with action – a self-reinforcing loop of practice and learning. The greater story about the relationships between the people and the energy emerging from connecting these people is not yet told, but we look forward to writing it together with you over the next decade.

Click here to read: A decade at the Edge

Get in touch

Daniel Sunde-Hansen

Daniel Sunde-Hansen

Director | Center for the Edge Lead, Norway

Daniel Sunde-Hansen leder Center for the Edge i Norge. Tankesmien utforsker mulighetene som oppstår i randsonen av ny teknologi, nye forretningsmodeller og nye organisasjonsformer. Sammen med vårt globale nettverk hjelper Center for the Edge ledere forstå og nyttiggjøre disse mulighetene.  Center for the Edge ble grunnlagt i Silicon Valley av John Hagel og John Seely Brown i 2007, med europeisk hovedkontor i Amsterdam.   Daniel kombinerer Center for the Edge-rollen med doktorgrad på BI, i skjæringspunktet mellom strategi og ledelse, som bringer forskningen fra Center for the Edge inn i en norsk kontekst.  Daniel gikk fra rollen som leder for innovasjon for Deloitte Norge, der han drev frem ulike nyskapende initiativer i Norge. Han støttet også innovasjonsstrategien i Norden, og jobbet for Deloitte Nederland med ansvaret for å skalere Center for the Edge til Norden.  Ledelse av innovasjon i store organisasjoner var tema for Daniels mastergrad, samt bachelorgrad. Sistnevnte ble kombinert med en treårig KaosPilot-utdannelse, en nyskapende skole som fusjonerte design, sosialt entreprenørskap og forretningsutvikling. 

Maarten Oonk

Maarten Oonk


Maarten Oonk, Director New Business for EMEA at Deloitte Center for the Edge, is an expert on transformation, disruption and exponential technologies. At Deloitte’s Center for the Edge, he helps senior executives to make sense of and profit from emerging opportunities on the edge of business and technology. His passion is fueled especially in areas like Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous driving. Prior to Deloitte, Maarten worked for over 7 years for TNO, a renowned R&D and technology institute. At TNO, he led the industry team on Transport & Logistics. He was also chairman of various international working groups on vehicle automation, delegate for the European Commission on international harmonization and R&D for transport. In addition, Maarten has 10 years of international business development experience in high tech, mobility and supply chain management. He has a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering & Management from Twente University.