Kami takes top ranking on 2021 Deloitte Fast 50 index
Blue River Dairy ranks top of the Master of Growth index
Auckland-based digital classroom platform company Kami has secured the number one spot in the 2021 Deloitte Fast 50 index with a remarkable 1177% revenue growth over the past three years.
Digital transformation specialists Duco Limited (670%), creative and digital agency Topham Guerin (557%), freight aggregator company Parcelport (479%) and financial advisory firm Aurora Financial (467%) complete the 2021 top five fastest growing private companies in New Zealand.
The annual Deloitte Fast 50 index, announced at a virtual event this evening, ranks businesses experiencing rapid revenue growth over three years and sets the benchmark for high growth businesses in New Zealand.
“This year we’ve seen organisations thrive by adapting to the digital environment - either delivering products and services in a digital manner or advising others on how to do that. The number one challenge for these fast-growing businesses has been attracting and retaining talent in a restricted market,” said Bill Hale, Deloitte Private partner.
Blue River Dairy has taken the number one ranking on the Master of Growth index with 1502% revenue growth over the past five years, followed by independent digital electricity company Electric Kiwi (1348%) and cellular health company MitoQ (984%).
Introduced in 2017, the Master of Growth index ranks the 20 fastest growing established businesses achieving longer term sustained growth. It ranks businesses starting from a larger revenue base, and over five years of revenue growth.
“The Deloitte Fast 50 is a celebration of fast-growing Kiwi businesses of all shapes and sizes. These innovators and entrepreneurs of New Zealand business have been able to adapt in our ever-changing world,” says Mr Hale.
“It’s been great to bring the indices back this year after the hiatus in 2020, and showcase once again the successful, strong, purpose driven New Zealand businesses who have found the perfect formula for success,” concludes Mr Hale.
To learn more about the Deloitte Fast 50 programme and all of this year’s winning companies, visit www.fast50.co.nz.
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