
Directors’ Alert 2018

Linkages to success

How is your board involved with protecting and enhancing your organisations’ reputation? Hear from several Deloitte business leaders and independent global directors as they examine strategies boards can pursue to protect and enhance their organizations’ reputation in today’s hyper-connected world.

Boards have a critical role to play in enhancing company reputation. Our 2018 edition of Directors’ Alert highlights governance topics that boards around the world will be focused on in the coming year—including key strategies boards can pursue to protect and enhance their organisations’ reputation:

  • The missing link in CEO succession planning: Organisational culture
  • Exercising oversight of digital innovation: How boards can keep pace
  • Strengthening the link between strategy and risk appetite: How the board can lead the way

Prepare your board on ways to protect your organisations’ reputation by downloading Deloitte’s Global Center for Corporate Governance’s Directors’ Alert.

Download the report
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