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2020 Directors’ Alert

Reimagining governance and oversight amid digital disruption

Digital transformation brings about new strategic, ethical, cultural, reputational, reporting, talent, and conduct risks, to name just a few. With these come a burst of opportunities and challenges. How can the board and the organization that they oversee innovate to embrace the benefits and mitigate the risks associated with digital disruption? Find out in this edition of Directors’ Alert.

Explore this year's emerging areas of focus for boards

While we focus on the disruptive forces that cognitive technologies and intelligent automation have unleashed within the business environment in our 2020 Directors’ Alert, it would be a mistake to see this primarily as a technology issue. It’s bigger than that. It goes beyond the organization to impact not only each and every stakeholder, but the entire marketplace, society, and global community.

This edition challenges boards to stretch their imagination and consider ways in which their organization is using digital and cognitive technologies, and assess whether risks have been assessed and mitigated—and that all opportunities have been seized.

This edition of the Alert features viewpoints of three independent non-executive directors and Deloitte business leaders from across the globe on:

  • Rethinking risk governance around intelligent automation
  • Reassessing culture, conduct, and reputation in the digital age
  • Redefining financial reporting and audits

Reimagine—foresight around digital disruption begins with the board.

Get in touch:

Key contact

Grant Frear
Grant Frear Partner - Consulting