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The 'Crunch Time' series for CFOs

Practical guides to modernising the finance function

No matter what future you see ahead for your finance organisation, one thing is sure. If business leaders around you are going to compete in the digital world, they will need to process more information more efficiently, and turn that information into deeper insights faster than ever. It will likely require new technology — a group of people who are curious and skilled in using it.

What if you, as CFO, could combine multiple business planning processes into one integrated approach—resulting in a plan all key functional leaders are committed to and measured against? And what if digital tools supporting that plan, combined with human insight, could show you in real time the impact of financial, operating, and commercial decisions? Our new Crunch Time report examines how.

Finance 2025 offers eight bold predictions about how finance organisations might evolve over the next several years, becoming better, faster, and probably less expensive. The technologies needed to reimagine finance are here and they will only get better.

Faced with the challenge of promoting growth, efficiency, and agility in the midst of shrinking budgets, many CFOs are taking a fresh look at service delivery models. Cost efficiencies are table stakes. Boosting enterprise resiliency and leveraging digital disruptors are the new frontier.

Faced with the challenge of connecting and analysing data from multiple sources, you might think you need to overhaul your core technology platforms. A large-scale ERP implementation is one way to handle the problem. But it’s not your only option.

The technology coming into finance is changing what humans do and how they do it, sometimes a lot. But that doesn’t necessarily mean wholesale workforce changes. CFOs need to align today’s finance talent to the promise of tomorrow’s technologies—while still maintaining a workforce that can fulfill all the company’s basic financial and regulatory requirements. That’s no easy feat. But those who get it right stand to benefit enormously. 

Rare is the company that doesn’t have some sort of cloud initiative underway. This guide shares answers to CFOs’ frequently asked questions about cloud investments anywhere in the enterprise, as well as within Finance. Learn about the opportunities and challenges that come with investing in the cloud so you can make more effective cloud decisions.

Explore how digital tools like automation, advanced analytics, and machine learning are making both financial and internal management reporting faster, more insightful, and less costly—and the lessons learned along the way.

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