Solution revolution
Teaming up to solve society’s toughest problems
Authors William Eggers and Paul Macmillan explore how public and private are converging to solve today’s most urgent social problems.
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Where tough societal problems persist, citizens, social enterprises, and yes, even businesses, are relying less and less on government-only solutions. More likely, they are crowd funding, ride-sharing, app-developing or impact-investing to design lightweight solutions for seemingly intractable problems. No challenge is too daunting, from malaria in Africa to traffic congestion in California.
These wavemakers range from edgy social enterprises growing at a clip of 15% a year, to mega-foundations that are eclipsing development aid, to Fortune 500 companies delivering social good on the path to profit. The collective force of these new problem solvers is creating dynamic and rapidly evolving markets for social good. They trade solutions instead of dollars to fill the gap between what government can provide and what citizens need. By erasing public-private sector boundaries, they are unlocking trillions of dollars in social benefit and commercial value.
The Solution Revolution explores how public and private are converging to form the Solution Economy. By examining scores of examples, William Eggers and Paul Macmillan reveal the fundamentals of this new—globally prevalent—economic and social order. The book is designed to help guide those willing to invest time, knowledge or capital toward sustainable, social progress.
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