The genesis of 'Modern Work' starts here
Work as we know it today is vastly different from how it was even just a few years ago. We wanted to understand more on how individuals are coping with the new work norm. When asked “How do you feel at work lately?”, the most common response that we get from executives, middle-level managers and other white-collar workers is – “I’m overwhelmed” As we analyse the reasons why more and more people feel this way since COVID-19 began, we see that the predictions about the future of work are all becoming a reality.
But isn’t it ironic that we call it the “Future of Work”, and yet it is our current reality – disrupting our way of working, thinking and being?
We are currently being disrupted by external forces such as technology, economy and societal changes which are unpredictable and that we have no control over. So, what are we supposed to do in the meantime, while our organisations and government struggle to chart out the next course of action?
This is what brought about the genesis of the ‘Modern Work’ and it is geared towards YOU and I. The 10 rules of modern work can help us navigate this new world of work and achieve success, happiness, and fulfilment. Apply them to our day-to-day activities to build a fulfilling and successful work regardless of disruptive external forces that we may experience.
The 10 rules of modern work

Rules of control
Rule #1: Bring your own motivation
Take control of your own motivation and ensure that you are responsible for sustaining it in modern work.
Rule #2: Set goals for the long-term and short-term
In modern work, you need to set your long and short-term goals to feel in control.

Rule #3: Shape your next job
The average lifespan of a job is getting shorter – take control of your job by reimagining your next job in parallel to your current job.

Rules of awesome
Rule #4: Your users will judge your work
You interact with far more people than just your bosses. Constantly get feedback from your users to stay in the awesome zone.
Rule #5: Work in sprints because things change every two weeks
Working in sprints enables you to timebox, set goals and know exactly what you want to achieve in the week.

Rule #6: Work from anywhere but work out loud
Your network needs to know your contributions and your successes for you to truly remain in the awesome zone.

Rules of growth
Rule #7: Turn your workflow into a learnflow
Constantly learn and grow on the job to stay relevant and at the cutting edge of modern work. Get feedback on work done, be retrospective and plan for your learning through setting goals.
Rule #8: Skill across and scale up
Just being proficient in your core skills is no longer enough. Mastering related skills maximises your career growth and helps you stay relevant.

Rule #9: Master differences
Modern work is very complex and projects must be addressed from multiple perspectives. Smash long-held stereotypes, embrace differences and bring people of different perspectives together.

The one golden rule
Rule #10: Always run a side hustle
A lot of learning, perspectives and innovation comes from doing something outside of your core work and connecting with people outside of your work bubble. Having a side hustle means you gain some control, continue to be awesome and be at the cutting edge of growth.
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