
Enterprise Network Security Architecture Evolution

Deloitte's point of view

Today's world is about connecting people, systems and sharing data everywhere at any time, enabling new digital solutions and products. Markets are becoming increasingly fast-paced with significant evolving technologies and shifting towards digitalisation. As a result, enterprises must adapt their networks to meet the challenges faced by a hyperconnected world and corresponding raising risk of exposure to cyber threats. Moreover, COVID-19 has accelerated the digital economy and changed the ways of working and the ways in which connectivity resources are consumed.

There is still a gap on comprehensive knowledge and information available regarding the journey ahead for the evolution of enterprise networks in this context. To fill in this gap, Deloitte's Telecom Engineering Centre of Excellence (TEE) proposes a view on the different stages for the network security evolution, addressing the architectural and capability requisites.

On the paper “Enterprise Network Security Architecture Evolution”, TEE's team looked at the evolution of network security architectures from a defence in depth layered approach, with usage of private networks, to public cloud based connectivity, SDPs and micro-segmentation.

Download this new paper about Enterprise Network Security Architecture Evolution and get to know more about Deloitte's approach and how these new architectural changes can be implemented.

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