LNG series overview


Navigating the new world of LNG

Trends, signposts, and opportunities

Crescimento, mudança, incerteza, desafio e oportunidade – estes são alguns dos drivers explorados pelo Deloitte Center of Energy Solutions em 2016. Neste relatório global, tentamos descrever holisticamente o estado da indústria global de GNL e o que pode estar para vir.

Executive summary

The global LNG market has progressively transformed in the past few decades—quadrupling in size, doubling its share of global natural gas trade, and emerging as one of the fastest growing segment in the energy industry.

What does the future look like for the LNG market? Will it be able to repeat its impressive growth trajectory in the future? How will companies overcome the near-term headwinds that are challenging new projects and business models? These are some of the questions that our latest LNG global report will answer.

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