Tech Trends 2024


Tech Trends 2024

Deloitte’s 15th annual Tech Trends report helps business and technology leaders separate signal from noise and embrace technology’s evolution as a tool to revolutionize business.

Six emerging technology trends demonstrate that in an age of generative machines, it’s more important than ever for organizations to maintain an integrated business strategy, a solid technology foundation, and a creative workforce.

Elevating forces

The history of IT has been a steady evolution of pioneering innovations in interaction, information, and computation, which together serve as the three enduring eternities of modern computing.


As the industrial metaverse transforms to enterprise tool, spatial technologies are taking hold in industrial applications, using data and AI to replicate real-life processes.


Since gen AI technology exploded on the scene, many enterprises have been scrambling to determine how their businesses might benefit. The answer might be simpler than they think.


Businesses are getting more out of their existing infrastructure and adding cutting-edge hardware to speed up processes. Soon, some will look beyond binary computing entirely.

Tech Trends 2024

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Grounding forces

Existing systems and investments—represented by the business of technology, cyber and trust, and core modernization—need to integrate well with pioneering innovations so that businesses can seamlessly operate while they grow.


A new focus is emerging for companies that are dedicated to attracting and retaining the best tech talent: developer experience.

Trend 5: CYBER & TRUST

With the proliferation of AI tools, it’s now easier than ever to impersonate and deceive, but leading organizations are responding through a mix of policies and technologies.


Businesses that want to lead in the future need to forgo piecemeal approaches to technical debt in favor of a new holistic frame of technical wellness.