Videoconferința Deloitte-ZF


What is sustainable finance? What impact does it have in business and in the economy? Regulatory framework, financial instruments, the perspective of banks and lenders vs companies and investors

Deloitte-ZF videoconference

When? Wednesday, May 3, 2023, between 09.00-11.45

Romania plays an important role in the European Union's effort towards a sustainable economy, a transition closely linked to access to funding sources, which increasingly depends on a new criterion: sustainability assessments. Projects that comply with environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements benefit from preferential financing conditions and attract more investors. Banks are called upon not only to finance such projects, but also to educate economic actors and the population and to promote the principles of sustainability.

What does sustainable finance actually mean? What concrete effects will it have on companies and on the country's economy? What does the regulatory framework imply on a local and European level? What kind of sustainable finance instruments can economic actors access? What is the perspective of the lenders and the borrowers active in this field?

Deloitte Romania and Ziarul Financiar will answer all these questions during the videoconference they will organize on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from 9 AM, with the help of their guests – representatives of local regulatory and supervisory bodies, of the Romanian Government, of banks and other relevant players in the field:

- Laszlo Borbely, Coordinator and State Counsellor, Romanian Government, Sustainable Development Department;

- Marius Andrieș, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance;

- Stefan Nanu, Ministry of Finance, Head of State Treasury;

- Luminita Tatarici, Head of Unit, Financial Stability, National Bank of Romania

- Cosmin Paunescu, Head of Prudential Supervision, Financial Instruments and Investments Sector, Financial Supervisory Authority;

- Gemma Webb, CEO and President, RetuRO;

- Marius Stefan, CEO, Autonom;

- Natalia Șarpi, CFO, Speedwell;

- Ioana Voinescu, Head of Sustainability Department, BCR;

- Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner, Deloitte Romania and Moldova;

- Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of the Sustainability and Energy practices;

- Dimitrios Goranitis, Deloitte Global leader FSI Risk and Regulatory and Central Europe FSI leader

- Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, Partner, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, Leader of the banking and finance practice

The host of the event will be Cristian Hostiuc, Editorial Director of Ziarul Financiar.

The videoconference will be broadcast live on and on Deloitte's Facebook accounts Romania and of Ziarul Financiar.

If you would like to receive by email, immediately after the conference, the presentation that will be delivered by Deloitte Romania during the event, please register

Register here

Agenda and discussion topics

09.00–09.10 - Opening speech

Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner, Deloitte Romania and Moldova

09.10–09.25 – Debate between Laszlo Borbely, Coordinator and State Counsellor, Romanian Government, Sustainable Development Department, and Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of the Sustainability and Energy practices

- Q&A Cristian Hostiuc-Laszlo Borbely

09.25–09.40 – Sustainable finance, key element in Romania’s transition to a green economy

- presentation Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of the Sustainability and Energy practices

09.40–10.30 – Panel: Sustainable finance - regulatory framework - trends in Europe and local environment


1. Luminița Tatarici, Head of Unit, Financial Stability, National Bank of Romania

2. Cosmin Păunescu, Head of Prudential Supervision, Financial Instruments and Investments Sector, ASF

3. Marius Andrieș, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance

Moderator: Dimitrios Goranitis, Deloitte Global leader Financial Services Industry Risk and Regulatory, and Central Europe Financial Services Industry leader

Q&A Cristian Hostiuc-speakers

10:30-11:35 - Panel: Sustainable finance - the perspective of the lenders and the borrowers


1. Stefan Nanu, Ministry of Finance, Head of State Treasury

2. Gemma Webb, CEO and President, RetuRO

3. Marius Stefan, CEO, Autonom

4. Natalia Șarpi, CFO, Speedwell

5. Ioana Voinescu, Head of Sustainability Department, BCR

Moderator: Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, Partner, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, Leader of the banking and finance practice

Q&A Cristian Hostiuc-speakers

11.35-11.45 – Conclusions - Cristian Hostiuc, Alex Reff, Sorin Elisei, Dimitrios Goranitis, Andrei Burz-Pinzaru
