CBAM Reporting and Taxation – what does it entail and how it works?


CBAM Reporting and Taxation – what does it entail and how it works?

8 November 2023 | 10:00 - 11:30

CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) is an EU mechanism meant to mitigate the risk of carbon leakage that occurs when EU based companies move their production to countries where less stringent climate policies are in place or when EU products get replaced by more carbon-intensive imports of similar products.

CBAM rules are designed to be rolled out in several phases, beginning with a first transitional phase that started on 1st of October 2023.

In this context, Deloitte Romania invites you to participate to the webinar dedicated to CBAM that will be organized on Wednesday, November 8, starting at 10:00 to find out what does CBAM Reporting and Taxation entail and how it works.

CBAM Reporting and Taxation – what does it entail and how it works?

Register here

This webinar explores:

  • Introduction into CBAM rules in the context of the EU “Fit for 55” package;
  • What does CBAM Reporting entail and what are the products subject to reporting;
  • What does CBAM Taxations entail and what is the calculation methodology?;
  • How to prepare for CBAM.


  • Ana Săbiescu, Director, Indirect Taxation, Deloitte;
  • Mircea Pop, Senior Consultant, Indirect Taxation, Deloitte;
  • Maria Baran, Consultant, Indirect Taxation, Deloitte;

Participation is free and by registration only. The discussions will be conducted in the Romanian.


Andra Popa

Andra Popa

Senior Marketing Coordinator

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