Building a Fraud Prevention Program through training awareness and whistleblowing


Building a Fraud Prevention Program through training awareness and whistleblowing

January 16, 2024 | 10:00 - 11:30

Since December 16th, 2022, Romania's Law no. 361/2022 on whistleblower protection has been in force, extending its application to companies with over 50 employees starting December 17th. This is an important step in the process of transposing into national legislation the EU Whistleblower Directive (EU) 2019/1937 which aims to provide minimum standards of protection across the EU to whistleblowers who raise breaches of EU law with their employer.

    In this context, we are pleased to invite you to our forward-looking whistleblowing webinar which will highlight the legal framework, compliance obligations and effective implementation, organizations’ responsibilities and obligations towards authorities, along with associated sanctions for lacking the necessary tools and procedures.

      Join this interactive webinar to hear from a panel of subject matter experts to find out the steps that your organization should be taking now to comply with the Whistleblowing legislative requirements and the necessity of raising awareness within your organization through training and e-learning in to foster a secure and safe work environment.

      Building a Fraud Prevention Program through training awareness and whistleblowing


      Register here

      This webinar explores:

      • Overview of whistleblower protection laws in Romania and the EU.
      • Insights into the practical application of the whistleblowing process in Romania and the broader region.
      • The role of training and internal awareness through courses and eLearning to prevent, detect, report fraud.
      • Understand the obligations that organizations have towards law enforcement and authorities in the whistleblowing process/reporting. Steps to establish an internal procedure on the periodicity of training sessions.
      • Explore potential sanctions for non-compliance.
      • Top cases reported on various scenarios and how to approach them.


      • Alexandru Nae, Assistant Director Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte
      • Elton Mata, Manager Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte
      • Denisa Simion, Manager Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte
      • Irina Picos, Senior Associate, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal

      Participation in this webinar is free of charge and by registration only. Please note that the webinar will be held in English.


      Andra Popa

      Andra Popa

      Senior Marketing Coordinator

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