Taking the long view in times of crisis


Deloitte Romania Commercial Real Estate Survey 2021

Taking the long view in times of crisis

One year ago, the world faced an unprecedented event, reshaping many aspects of our public and private lives. In 2021, the health crisis remains a hot topic on governments’ and private companies’ agenda, as they continue to tackle uncertainty and difficulties.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, commercial real estate players in Romania faced various strategic and operational risks. In 2021, they need to take the long view in times of crisis and prepare for “the next-normal”. “The next normal” will be marked by their ability to find the correct formula of tactics and strategies in order to accommodate both health and safety and financial concerns.

On the long-term, what are the main challenges of commercial real estate companies and what will be their focus?

Deloitte Romania Commercial Real Estate Survey 2021 analyses perceptions of players in the commercial real estate industry on implications of the pandemic and the business prospects of executives and board members of Romanian commercial real estate owners, developers and investors.

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