The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final resolvability testing Guidelines

Resolution authorities and banks are now moving to resolvability testing following several years of policy development by authorities and policy implementation by institutions. On the 13th of June, EBA published its Guidelines addressed to institutions and resolution authorities on resolvability testing.
Key aspects of the guidelines are to introduce:
- a self-assessment report against the EBA Resolvability Guidelines or any applicable rule;
- the development of a multi-annual testing programme for resolvability; and
- a master playbook for the more complex resolution groups, in particular G-SIIs, Top Tier institutions and institutions identified by the relevant resolution authority as reasonably likely to pose a systemic risk in case of failure.
In this alert, you will read more about what are resolution authorities expected to assess, what is the aim of the Guidelines, conclusions, and how Deloitte can help.