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Deloitte SheXO Club meets top international leader in personal development

Growth needs addressed through the Positive Presence concept by Laurel Herman

Bucharest, November 5th, 2015 – Deloitte’s exclusive club of exceptional business women, SheXO, closes the 2015 meeting agenda with an event featuring Laurel Herman, a worldwide recognized thought – leader and pioneer in personal development and image consultancy. According to a survey among the 200 members of the club, enhancing personal effectiveness ranks as a top priority among executive women. Laurel Herman’s contribution will focus on the topic “YOU are your own best Business Card”, introducing her leading concept of Positive Presence.

Deloitte SheXO’s objective is to create a strong networking platform for the top business women in Romania and to support diversity in the workplace. Today’s meeting rounds up the Club’s activities throughout this year, bringing for the first time in Romania an international authority such as Laurel Herman, in order to address the key need of enhancing personal growth as a means of effective leadership and professional success.

“We are witnessing an unprecedented advance of women’s capacity to assume naturally an equal role with men, be it in professional, social or cultural terms. Research has shown that having women in leadership roles has translated into better governance, lower odds of going bankrupt, better performance, enhanced talent pool in organizations. Today, 60% of graduates are women and we, the successful women leaders today, have a duty to the generations to come that the gender bias in the workplace is reduced,” says Madeline Alexander, Partner Audit at Deloitte Romania and leader of the SheXO Club.

“We, at Deloitte, are committed on offering women long term careers and promoting women to leadership positions; most of our workforce in Romania is made up of women and we consider gender diversity a top priority for the success of our business. Today we have the opportunity to broaden our perspective on gender diversity through the valuable contribution of an inspirational speaker such as Laurel Herman, who advocates that the change of mindset for gender diversity starts in early childhood and that successful women should be ambassadors for each other,” adds Madeline Alexander.

With a career of more than 40 years as spokesperson, adviser, mentor, columnist and writer, Laurel Herman is the creator of the Positive Presence concept that reshapes image consultancy by cultivating and developing abilities through a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. She believes the very presence of women in an organization brings transformation and change: “It is about women empowerment; just making women stronger, more confident, more able to climb the ladder. My belief is that if you change the cultural organization, it will take a long time, but if you can get more women into leadership positions, they will make the changes.”

The SheXO Club is a global Deloitte initiative and was launched in Romania in 2012, as an informal framework for exceptional business women to gather, network, share views and create business.

According to the European Commission’s target, publicly listed companies should achieve a presence of at least 40% for women in non-executive positions by 2020. The SheXO initiative, along with other projects of Deloitte, have proven to be useful tools for assessing and addressing the issues related to gender equality, women leadership, cultivating and disseminating examples of successful women and creating a platform for thought exchange and networking opportunities.

Claudia Covaci
PR Manager
Tel: +40 21 20 75 303

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