
The only way is up

Central Europe CFO Survey

The Deloitte CE CFO Survey is a unique collection of 13 locally tailored reports reflecting the opinions of 668 CFOs of leading companies in the Central European region. The findings are based on the fourth edition of a Deloitte survey undertaken from February until April 2013 in 13 countries in the region – Albania & Kosovo, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. All the unique reports provide fascinating insights into CFO opinions at a key moment in economic history.

Local country key findings

Click on the country name to download country specific reports:

Albania & Kosovo   (View details in regional report below)

  • 54% of Albanian CFOs find it difficult for companies to obtain credit.


  • Bulgarian CFOs rank among the most risk averse with 91% thinking now is not a good time to take on more risk.


  • 42% of Croatian CFOs predict that their country's GDP growth will be negative in 2013.

Czech Republic

  • 66% of Czech CFOs expect the economy will stagnate in 2013.


  • Estonian CFOs stand out in regards to their views on gearing with 31% planing to raise its level over the next year.


  • 57% of Hungarian CFOs consider remodeling a priority for their business for the next 12 months.


  • 42% of Latvian CFOs expect there will be a lack of talent in the finance area over the next year.


  • 71% of Lithuanian CFOs predict financing cost of companies to increase in next 12 months.


  • Polish CFOs are the most optimistic regarding their companies' ability to service debt with 72% of respondents forecasting it will increase.


  • Romania stands out with 27% of CFOs predicting quite significant talent shortages in graduate level.


  • Serbia has the most negative attitude towards bank borrowing as a source of funding with 63% of CFOs seeing it as unattractive.


  • Slovakian CFOs belong to the most pessimistic in the region regarding the financial prospects of their companies.


  • Slovene CFOs forecast the highest level of uncertainty in the region.

Download CFO Survey summary

Download CFO Survey Regional Overview

"Over the last six months, our priority has been retaining our customers. They are our top priority. Our focus is also on reducing costs and fees while trying to find new markets or to increase market share in existing ones."

 CFO, Slovenia

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