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Deloitte Named a Risk leader

Gartner Assesses Global Risk Management Consulting Services

Bucharest, 2 December 2014. In an environment where risk affects businesses from all angles from risk management to cyber management, Deloitte has been named a leader in Global Risk Management Consulting services by Gartner, the largest and most influential research analyst in the world, in its recently released report entitled “Magic Quadrant for Global Risk Management Consulting Services”.

“Deloitte considers this positioning as a ‘Leader’ as a reflection of its member firms’ commitment to helping clients integrate risk management into the business,” said Andrei Ionescu, Director Deloitte Romania. “Deloitte’s approach addresses strategic and operational risks as well as risks related to governance, culture, technology and infrastructure, helping organizations regardless of industry and geography get ahead of risk.”

The Gartner report evaluated seven global firms and networks on three dimensions of risk management- framework, metrics, and systems. Within the quadrant graphic included in the report, Deloitte member firms’ risk management consulting services were positioned highest on the “ability to execute” axis and furthest on the “completeness of vision” axis.

Deloitte Romania’s solid risk management practice is focused on an integrated approach involving management, business units and functional areas. Our team made of 30 specialists provides clients with process and data integrity, process flow effectiveness, prevention and detection of fraud, anticorruption programs, project risk management, improved control over supply chain management and distribution channels, corporate governance, control accountability and cyber security.

As cyber has rapidly become an essential component of comprehensive risk management programs, Cyber risk services ranks among our top products which is developed by Deloitte’s CEE Center of Excellence.

Crisis management is another key issue brought forward by the report. Deloitte Romania offers its customers a comprehensive suite of services that support companies to integrate their existing capabilities – forensic, predictive fraud prevention and detection, financial crime, cyber and resilience services- to provide an end-end crisis management solution. 

Contact us:
Claudia Covaci
Deloitte Romania
PR Manager
+40 21 207 53 03  

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