
Deloitte Exponential Supply Chain (DESC) Powered by SAP S/4HANA®

Rapid supply chain transformation. Rapid value.

Growing expectations across the supply chain bring new demands, more layers of interaction, and more data for the enterprise. As challenges grow exponentially, organizations seek solutions that allow them to respond rapidly, and effectively, to evolving challenges.

How can you get ahead of challenges and unlock the power of the latest SAP enterprise solutions? Deloitte Exponential Supply Chain (DESC), powered by SAP S/4HANA®, can help.

The total package

DESC stands as a comprehensive supply chain planning and execution solution that is designed to deliver the game-changing digital core capabilities of SAP S/4HANA plus integration with the full spectrum of SAP supply chain offerings—including SAP® IBP (Integrated Business Planning), SAP® Leonardo®, SAP® Ariba®, SAP® GTS (Global Trade Services), and SAP® TM (Transportation Management).

DESC provides a foundation for streamlining processes, turning IoT data into information and automated actions, using machine learning to automate processes, unlocking new insights, and improving decision-making across the enterprise—all to help you rapidly transform the enterprise and address evolving demands. The solution can help you realize value sooner through powerful visualization and analytics solutions such as SAP Fiori® and SAP® BusinessObjects™ Lumira—helping you see clearly across your entire supply chain so you can take action, moving you away from “fire drills and firefighting” toward “predictive fire prevention.”

Jump-start your transformation

Our DESC offering also folds in leading practices, preconfigured cross-industry scenarios, and proprietary Deloitte accelerators to help jump-start your transformation with SAP S/4HANA and get you going down a path that makes sense. DESC can help accelerate your ability to set up your own system while also providing a demo environment to help your project team visualize the end state and assess the benefits of SAP’s latest solution portfolio firsthand. It’s an approach that can help accelerate time-to-value and allows you to streamline and simplify your business processes so they align with your vision for an effective supply chain.

DESC is an SAP-certified packaged solution—approved as an SAP Qualified Partner Solution on SAP S/4HANA, edition for Business All-in-One (BAiO). 

Want to find out how DESC can help you rapidly transform your supply chain? We should talk. Contact us to get the conversation started.

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