
Changed requirements regarding permanent residence permits for employees and self-employed persons and their families

Immigration Alert 

Published: 2021-06-29

On the 23rd of June 2021, the Migration Agency published information regarding the changed requirements when applying for a permanent residence permit for employees and self-employed persons and their family members based on the decision from the Swedish parliament regarding changes in the Aliens Act. From July 20th, 2021, new requirements will apply. These requirements have not yet been disclosed fully by the Migration Agency. One of the requirements is however an introduction of a maintenance requirement for accompanying family members.

The new maintenance requirement for accompanying family members means that the employee must be able to show that his or her income is sufficient to support themself and their family, as well as possesses housing of sufficient size and standard for the family to be able to live in.

The family members must also have been residing in Sweden for at least three years, co-applicants over the age of 18 must be able to support themselves, and the Agency will be looking at good conduct for all co-applicants over the age of 15.

If the family members do not meet the requirements for a permanent residence permit, they can instead receive an extended residence permit. The opportunity to be tried for a permanent residence permit then exists at the next grant application.

The work related to possibly adding a knowledge requirement in the Swedish language and social studies to be granted a permanent residence permit continues.

Deloitte's comment

The details around the new requirements remain unclear, the article will thus be updated as soon as more information is available.

The maintenance requirement for family members was however expected, as it was in line with the interim report presented in February this year (Regeringen föreslår förbättrat system för arbetskraftsinvandring – vad betyder det för arbetsgivare? (deloitte.com), Swedish only). The main effect of this requirement will be evident for employees with larger families and lower salaries, something which in the long run may affect the number of potential job openings being filled by third country nationals. Furthermore, the now clearly stipulated requirement of how long the family must have lived in Sweden before they can be granted a permanent residence permit increases the risk that the family's permits end up being out of phase with each other. This, as a result, places a higher demand on monitoring the entire family's permit dates instead of just the employee´s.


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Contact us

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Deloitte.

Anna Sabelström Holmberg
+46 73 397 13 04

Martina Ogenhammar
Senior Manager, Head of Immigration - Global Employer Services
+46 70 080 21 60

Kaltrina Abazi
Assistant Manager, Immigration - Global Employer Services
+46 70 080 32 62

Sofia Wennberg
Associate, Immigration - Global Employer Services
+46 70 080 27 91

+46 75 246 26 00

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