SEA Games 2015 Blog

Life at Deloitte

SEA Games 2015 Blog

Finding the extraordinary

This blog tells the stories of our people who are on the SEA Games 2015 journey. From the management team, to organizing committee, volunteers, and our athletes, each one of them will walk a different path but ultimately it will converge towards a common goal – one of pride and glory, with dreams in hand.

16 January 2015

Tse Gan’s Story
Thio Tse Gan, Enterprise Risk Services Executive Director & leader of the Deloitte 28th SEA Games engagement team
[Seen on the left with Nila, the 28th SEA Games mascot]

A milestone was passed on 7 August 2014 when Deloitte was appointed as the Official Professional Services Provider of the 28th SEA Games. As I sat in the audience bearing witness to this signing ceremony, my mind went back to 2009 when we inked a similar contract with the Singapore Youth Olympic Games (SYOG) committee. Our involvement in the inaugural YOG held in Singapore in 2010 was our first major step into the sporting arena and it underpins the role that we will play in the upcoming SEA Games.

Globally, Deloitte has a wealth of experience on the world sporting stage, sponsoring major events such as the London Olympics and the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Here in Singapore, we too are trying to hone our capabilities and reach into the local sports fraternity as our nation builds itself up as a regional sports hub. The firm also sees sports as a good way for us to involve the community as part of our corporate social responsibility efforts.

As the leader of the Deloitte SYOG team, and now, the SEA Games engagement team, my SEA Games journey began much earlier than most people in the organisation. It was not long after we completed the SYOG commitment in early 2011 that Sport Singapore (then the Singapore Sports Council) initiated a conversation with us on how Deloitte can be part of the 2015 SEA Games Singapore would be hosting four years down the road. This was, to me, an affirmation that Deloitte did something right for the SYOG to be top-of-mind for the SEA Games.

The SEA Games journey is a rewarding one for me. At the organisation level, it is very fulfilling to be recognised for our experience and expertise, and there is a great sense of satisfaction when I bump into people in the corridors of the Sport Singapore office ‘nerve centre’ who share good things about working with Deloitte for SYOG and the SEA Games.

There is also a wonderful feeling of camaraderie among the SEA Games engagement team – comprising a mix of experienced members from the original SYOG team and new members who bring with them fresh perspectives.

I have set several goals for myself leading up to the Games. I hope to be a proud sponsor, leading the Deloitte team to own the project and deliver it with a spirit of excellence. This also involves me taking the lead for a couple of tracks – project management and risk management – and I am determined to put in my best.

I also hope to be a fervent supporter of our Team Singapore and Deloitte athletes, and I will endeavor to watch as many SEA Games events as possible, either ‘live’ at the venues or on television. I am truly excited at the thought that some of our Deloitte colleagues will actually be competing at the Games and I will cheer loud and proud for them.

Lastly, I hope to volunteer wholeheartedly. I am, unfortunately, unable to participate in the same capacity as our 200 Deloitte SEA Games volunteers due to my duties as engagement team leader. But, I will find an opportunity to volunteer in a personal capacity, perhaps in the area of risk and safety management.

Deloitte’s SEA Games journey is picking up momentum and progressing from a walk into an intense run, and I would like to rally all of you to take this incredible opportunity to support the SEA Games and Singapore as the nation celebrates its Golden Jubilee. My wish is for all of us at Deloitte to run together, united, towards the finish line, each of us taking home that precious feeling of a job well done.

Tse Gan

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