Singapore Repertory Theatre Partnership has been saved
Life at Deloitte
Singapore Repertory Theatre Partnership
Enriching the community through arts
At Deloitte, we’re passionate about a lot of things.
We’re passionate about the arts and proud to be a Corporate Partner of the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT). Founded in 1993, SRT is one of the leading English-language theatres in Asia. This partnership is part of our ongoing efforts to deepen our support for the arts and our community.
We’re passionate about our communities: that’s why we are using our partnership with SRT to raise funds to support AWWA – a Singapore-based social service organisation serving over 6,000 of the disadvantaged across life stages – to build its second special education school, to be ready in 2022 for students aged 7 to 18 years old primarily with autism.
And we’re passionate about our people and our clients: that’s why we are using the unique entertainment opportunities and world-class theatre experiences by SRT to bring together our people and clients, with a commitment to broaden access to the arts.
Deloitte’s clients and staff enjoy hosted events, complimentary and discounted tickets to SRT’s productions and exclusive opportunities to volunteer with SRT’s Front-of-House team.
Deloitte’s commitment to an inclusive society
At Deloitte, we believe in strength through diversity and our efforts extend beyond our organisation and into our communities – for a more inclusive Singapore where persons with different abilities can lead meaningful lives and participate fully as members of our society. Our commitment to an inclusive society is aligned to our network-wide initiative – WorldClass, where we aspire to prepare fifty million futures by 2030 for a world of opportunity. To achieve this bold ambition, we are applying our skills, experience and global reach to invest in education, skills development, and access to opportunity.
Deloitte’s corporate partnership with SRT sees us using SRT’s productions such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and Shakespeare in the Park – Julius Caesar as platforms to raise awareness for children and youths with special needs.
In 2018, Deloitte is raising funds to support AWWA – a Singapore-based social service organisation serving over 6,000 of the disadvantaged across life stages – with its second AWWA School building fund.
The new AWWA School, to be ready in 2021, is a Special Education (SPED) school appointed by the Ministry of Education that will provide special education to students aged 7 to 18 years old primarily with autism.
AWWA needs to raise 5% for co-payment of standard items (e.g. classrooms) and 100% of all non-standard facilities (e.g. wet playground) and they require the generosity of donors to help finance the full S$1.2 million building fund.
If you would like to make a donation to the second AWWA School building fund, you can donate online here or write a cheque payable to “AWWA Ltd”. As an approved Institution of a Public Character, a 250% tax deduction is granted by Singapore regulatory agencies for all cash donations.
For queries on making a donation to AWWA, please contact Marie Li at