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Deloitte Learning Solutions
Driving higher performance for you and your organisation
Deloitte Learning Solutions (DLS) offers finance training programs, delivered through our highly interactive self-developed platform that caters to individual professionals, corporates and government agencies. At DLS, we make it our mission for learning to be dynamic, self-directed and continuous.
The global business environment is experiencing unprecedented challenges. Many organisations are facing a ‘new normal’ characterised by changes to talent needs, new working arrangements, digitalisation, and increasing exposure to compliance risks brought about by rapid changes to financial reporting, tax and other regulatory requirements. And currently, all these are happening against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis.
Corporate learning becomes more business-critical than ever before. Organisations need to send the message to their people that “the show must go on!”. Job specific competencies need to be continuously developed, the leadership pipeline needs to be ensured, and people need to be continuously engaged. Take the opportunity to re-assess your current learning environment and implement a new vision to build the best corporate learning experience for your people.
DLS specialises in providing training programs to individual professionals, corporates and government bodies.
We offer to you control, visibility and effectiveness in our learning programs.
- Control – At DLS, we make it our mission for learning to be dynamic, self-directed and continuous. Take control of your learning today by selecting from Deloitte's wide range of topics.
- Visibility - With a strong belief in self-directed learning, our users can view their learning progress at any time of the day. Quiz scores, attendance records and learning hours are available on our platform.
- Effectiveness - Leveraging on our core competencies and knowledge of major industries, we design our program and courses with paced out learning, easy to digest materials, quizzes and assessments. We conduct most of our courses live to facilitate meaningful interaction with the course subject matter expert.
Join us for the DLS experience now!
To experience DLS, join our upcoming webinars on Accounting, Business Excellence, Taxation, Digital Transformation and Financial Crime.
Please click here to register.
Course Catalogue
Deloitte Learning Solutions