
Business Assurance

Holistic services on financial or non-financial data

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We provide assurance services related to third parties (companies, investors, regulators) on financial or non-financial data and small & medium enterprises, blockchain, algorithms and emerging external reporting. These services may be attest and non-attest in nature and are specifically tailored to specific subject matter that are top of mind to you.

As your strategic partner, we will have an in-depth knowledge in your activities and the sector which you operate. Our diverse team of subject matter experts with both local and international experiences, in-depth technical skills and industry knowledge will be placed at your disposal to address your needs.

Business Assurance Services

Regulatory & Conduct Assurance

We can support you in regulatory reforms & strategy support, remediation programs or control & risk framework support.

We can assist you with:

  • Conduct reviews, governance & board effectiveness reviews
  • General compliance monitoring & framework projects
  • Remediation projects
  • Independent assessment

ESG & Climate Services

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and climate change are consistent priorities for many organisations, including Deloitte which has made this a firm-wide priority.

We can assist you with:

  • ESG and Climate Impact Analysis
  • ESG Data Management & Controls
  • ESG Compliance Reporting
  • ESG Readiness & Assurance
  • Governance
  • Sustainability & ESG Comms
  • Sustainability Strategy & Target Setting

Algorithm Assurance Services

Algorithms are already being used extensively in many different sectors, and in financial services particularly, they are being used in automated trading to execute trades, by robot-managed funds to allocate portfolios and by loan providers for consumer credit scoring.

Algorithms are even being used to predict fraudulent credit card payments or unusual trading activity. Algorithm assurance is the process which tests whether those statements are conforming to their intended design goals and achieving the desired outcomes.

We can assist you with:

  • Algorithm Controls Framework
  • Trustworthy AI Ethics Framework
  • Algorithm Regulation Compliance
  • Training and Development
  • Algorithm Assessment
  • Algorithm Validation
  • Model Risk Management
  • Automation of processes and valuation testing

Blockchain Assurance Services

Blockchain technology enables real-time and irreversible transactions to be recorded across a decentralized ledger hosted on a peer-to-peer network. Growth of blockchain related systems and processes is creating new demands for assurance services in the blockchain ecosystem, from digital asset exchanges, wallet and storage providers, Fin tech and other payment services, ICOs and tokenization, smart contract users, and consortium agreements amongst many other use cases.

We can assist you in responding to blockchain risks, processes, accounting, financial reporting and unknown or new regulatory framework:

  • Assurance reports on controls
  • Funds assurance
  • Audit readiness
  • Accounting memos and advice

Media & Advertising Assurance Services

Challenges of media buying in the digital world include everything from changes in advertising agency contracts to contract compliance, difficulty tracking spend, further blurring when it comes to measuring return on investments across the various media channels and transparency in media buying and client-agency relationships. In particularly, the lack of consistent standards for measuring digital advertising performance.

We can assist you services throughout the media eco-system with:

  • Vendor & supplier assessments
  • Operating Model advisory
  • Procurement and RFT/RFP Management
  • Benchmarking
  • Remuneration model reviews

Key contact

David Chew

David Chew

Assurance Leader, Southeast Asia

David leads the Assurance practice in Singapore and Southeast Asia and has more than 20 years’ experience providing risk management advisory, internal audit and corporate restructuring services. Prior... More