
7 tips to boost your job search

D.cisions magazine – Issue 7

Here are 7 tips to boost your job search and help you get the job you want

So you’re about to graduate… now what?
Here’s our guide to getting the job you want.

#1 Make your job search targeted 

Begin your job search with a career direction and have a tailored approach in your job applications. Consider your background, education, passions and needs and then target specific industries, companies, or areas to help identify positions that you qualify for and are interested in. Customise your resumé and cover letters for each position you apply for, in order to increase your chance of being shortlisted.

#2 Do your research

Explore and research extensively on the the different career possibilities and know the details of your potential. Find out more about your chosen field, job outlook, job expectations and potential salary. Examine the job requirements and filter the job positions to match your current skills and align them with your interests and values.

#3 Boost your online presence

Review your online footprints and social media accounts and remove anything that does not look professional or can affect your chances of landing your dream job. Build your personal brand online and convey images and messages that you want to portray to your potential employers. Post your resumé on recruitment websites but remember to update your profile and CV often. Optimise your LinkedIn profile for job search success. Check out our article “Top tips to make your LinkedIn profile stand out”.

#4 Attend career fairs

Get your foot in the door of the company by meeting recruiters at career fairs face-to-face and get insights about the company. Career fairs are a free resource for you to find out if the company is a good fit for you so attend them as frequently as possible until you find the right job. Leave a good impression while making personal contact with the recruiters as they are the gatekeepers for your application.

#5 Keep networking

Meet and connect with people in the industry you are interested in through networking events and opportunities. Many jobs can be found through word-of-mouth, referrals and people you know at the company. Tap into your network of friends, family, schoolmates and teachers too and let them know you are looking for a job. Connect with influential people, industry experts and potential employers and grow your professional network on online platforms like LinkedIn too.

#6 Get some work experience

Build your industry-related work skills and soft skills through internships and work attachment programmes. Indicating your work experience on your resumé will make you more competitive as employers value that. Work experience not only narrows down your job search as you explore your career options, but also shows your passion and interest in the field and gives employers confidence that you know what you want.

#7 Perfect your resumé

Invest a good amount of time preparing a professional resumé. Write a resumé that makes a strong first impression by including pertinent information and right keywords, as well as using a clear visual hierarchy. Set a strong and clear message about the value you bring to the position you are applying for. Ask people you trust to review and critique your resumé and be open to suggestions. Read our top resumé tips.

D.cisions is our quarterly magazine which provides undergraduates with tips, advice and success stories to help them take their first crucial step in making the right choice for themselves, in terms of choosing their employer - one where they will fit in and aligned to their values, interests and priorities.

Click here to download this issue: D.cisions issue 6.

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