
Stay healthy & energised!

Decisions Magazine Issue 10

Is school stressing you out lately? We have some tips to keep you healthy and energised!

Best brain food for studying

1. Eating dark chocolate in moderation can help to promote the production of antioxidants and lower blood pressure.

2. Eat eggs which are full of protein and choline to help improve brain function and memory!

Easy and fuss-free breakfast ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don’t skip it just because you have no time!

3. Soak your oats overnight to soften them and add your favourite fruits or even peanut butter in the morning for some extra nutrients and flavour!

4. Pack the fruits you like in a zip lock bag and freeze them overnight. Give it a blitz in the blender in the morning and you will have a quick and healthy breakfast smoothie!

Effective studying tips

5. Have regular breaks in between study sessions to boost long-term memory, which is more effective than trying to study for long hours. You should also limit your usage of digital devices during breaks to allow your eyes and mind to relax.

6. Organise study groups to facilitate knowledge-sharing among your peers.

Useful tips for overcoming nerves

7. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves and relax your body.

8. Smile! Smiling helps to stimulate the release of endorphins and creates a good first impression during an interview or presentation.

Quick ways to energise yourself

9. Take a 10 minute power nap during breaks to enhance your problem solving skills and memory.

10. Make time to exercise every day. Exercise releases endorphins, which is nature's mood elevator. The more you move, the more energised you will feel, increasing your focus and productivity.

In issue 10, discover how Deloitte Audit Assistant Manager Yvonne Pow makes a positive difference to society as she juggles her time between working and volunteering. Are you keen to join the jet set?  Grab some tips on how to get picked for a mobility assignment in this issue!  Find out how you can be an intern superstar as our ex-intern, Eugene Tay shares his secrets to success on his unique audit internship experience. In addition, we also look back at the key highlights of 2017 as we celebrated our Golden Jubilee with a bang!

Find out how you can make an impact with us. Download issue 10 now!

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