Life at Deloitte

Tips for effective communication skills

Want to succeed in your future career? This can be achieved through having good communication skills. Being an excellent communicator will help you be more effective in school and at work, and advance your career as it is an important pre-requisite to taking on leadership responsibilities.

Start honing these invaluable skills right from the start during your internship and also while working on projects in school.

Be approachable

Use a tone of voice that demonstrates positivity and warmth, and take a forward-leaning posture. By doing this, you will be seen as approachable and encourage the other party to open up to you during conversations.

Listen actively

Devote your attention to the person whom you are communicating with and maintain eye contact at all times. By asking relevant questions during the conversation, the other party would feel that you are genuinely interested in what is being shared.

Being succinct

Being clear and concise is key to effective communication.

If you are conducting a presentation or a pitch, familiarise yourself with the points that you want to bring across and rehearse well beforehand so that you are able to convey your messages with confidence and clarity.

Tell a story

Be expressive and engage your audience through storytelling by sharing personal experiences. This is a great way to connect with your target audience on a more personal level.

Be empathetic

The ability to empathise with another person’s feelings and situation helps to develop trust and build rapport.

Issue 11

In issue 11, read on to discover Deloitte’s participation in UNLEASH 2018 and how we are making an impact that matters. Get ready to be inspired by the journey of Deloitte Audit Partner Aw Xin Pei – the second SMU Accountancy graduate to make partnership in the Big Four. FIFA World Cup 2018 was also a tournament full of surprises and drama which saw France bringing the golden cup home - read on as our Southeast Asia Sports Business Group Leader, James Walton sums up some of the highs and low of this year’s World Cup in Russia! 

Want to get fit but can’t seem to find the time? Grab some tips with our “Get Fit in 15 with Deloitte” series as our Deloitte athletes share some simple exercise routines that can be completed in 15 minutes! Be sure to check out the 5 most Instagram-worthy places in the CBD too! Download issue 11 now!

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