Life at Deloitte

5 Tips to Ace An Interview

Congratulations! You have just landed an interview for a really wonderful job. What’s next? A successful interview will be essential for you to lock in a job offer, and this is your chance to impress the interviewer to get hired for the role. Read on as we share 5 tips to make your next interview a success!

1. Time is of the essence

There is no excuse for arriving late for an interview. Can you imagine rushing into the interview room with disheveled hair and having your interviewers checking their watches and waiting for you? Always aim to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled interview to complete additional paperwork and allow yourself time to settle down. Arriving a bit earlier also offers you the opportunity to study the dynamics of the organisation.

2. Dress for success

Remember you are not dressing for a party or date - be appropriate! Plan ahead an outfit that is as professional-looking as possible. Doing so ensures that you don’t have to scramble at the last minute about what to wear (and always have a backup outfit ready just in case!) Don’t try a new haircut or style, but do get a trim about a week prior to your interview. Makeup, perfume and jewelry should be moderate. Being clean and neat is most important. Remember to wear clothing that fits and is clean and pressed. Try not to smoke or eat right before the interview - and if possible, brush your teeth or use mouthwash.

3. You never get a second chance to make a first impression

Be polite and greet everyone you meet. Shake hands firmly and then wait to be told when to sit.The prospective employer may take the opportunity to observe the way you treat the people around you. Be prudent, courteous, sincere and knowledgeable about the organisation and what you have to offer to them. Maintain a positive attitude and express enthusiasm for the job. Remember good body language. Poor body language can become a distraction or in extreme cases can put the interviewer off hiring you.

4. Eyes are the window to the soul

Don’t underestimate the power of eye contact! When greeting your interviewer, stand, smile, make eye contact, and offer a firm handshake. Ensure you look at your interviewer while conversing – this will show that you’re paying full attention and confident of your answers! Looking away or being preoccupied will come across as rude or lacking confidence.

5. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail

Be prepared ahead of time and do some research online. You do not want to end up stumbling over your words or getting stuck on questions, so do your homework first! Plan the research necessary to prepare yourself for an interview as success begins with a solid foundation of knowledge. With research, you’ll gain a better understanding of the organisation and possess the ability to better answer the interview questions. Review common interview questions and prepare your responses.

Take extra copies of your CV and reference list. If you have a portfolio or samples of your work, bring those along too. Finally, remember to bring a pen and a notebook to jot notes.

With these tips in mind, you are ready to nail your next interview. Good luck!

Issue 11
August 2018

In issue 11, read on to discover Deloitte’s participation in UNLEASH 2018 and how we are making an impact that matters. Get ready to be inspired by the journey of Deloitte Audit Partner Aw Xin Pei – the second SMU Accountancy graduate to make partnership in the Big Four. FIFA World Cup 2018 was also a tournament full of surprises and drama which saw France bringing the golden cup home - read on as our Southeast Asia Sports Business Group Leader, James Walton sums up some of the highs and low of this year’s World Cup in Russia! 

Want to get fit but can’t seem to find the time? Grab some tips with our “Get Fit in 15 with Deloitte” series as our Deloitte athletes share some simple exercise routines that can be completed in 15 minutes! Be sure to check out the 5 most Instagram-worthy places in the CBD too! Download issue 11 now!

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