
Deloitte Intelligent GRC Control Automation (DIGCA)

With recent major events such as the COVID-19 pandemic transforming the way we work, the risk landscape is constantly evolving, posing greater challenges for the management to monitor key risks and stay up-to-date with aspects of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).

The Deloitte Intelligenct GRC Control Automation (DIGCA) can help you manage your organisation's risks more effectively by enabling two key strategic objectives:

  1. Expand your existing set of Key Risk Indicators, enhancing risk management monitoring in more risk areas and with agility
  2. Reduce operational costs using modern automation technology, eliminating repetitiveness and removing low value tasks during preparation of data and testing of controls

For more information, please download the brochure and contact us today.

Deloitte Intelligent GRC Control Automation (DIGCA)
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