22 Feb.

Tax & Legal Symposium 2022

Looking beyond the new normal for tax and legal management

Tuesday, 09:00 a.m.  ET

This event brings together subject matter experts over a dynamic agenda of panels, to discuss tax and legal compliance management in the ‘new normal’  

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Tax authorities around the world are modernizing their tax systems and taking advantage of digital platforms to make tax collection and enforcement more efficient. Multinational companies face increasing regulatory burden and scrutiny as countries adopt the recommendations of the OECD’s BEPS initiatives. In addition, the Covid pandemic has necessitated significant changes to the working environment with the move from physical to virtual work.

The current environment poses new challenges for business in ensuring that tax and legal compliance requirements are satisfied effectively. 

In-house Finance and Accounting teams face resource constraints and basic obstacles in accessing information when working from home. To address the changing tax landscape and also the resourcing issues, businesses need to move toward utilizing technology to manage tax compliance more effectively.


Why technology is the strategic issue of our time


How to prepare yourself for the new customs and trade ‘normal’?


Updated BOI incentives in 2021 and experience sharing when applying for investment promotions


Remote Work – Mobility Risk Management (Panel discussion)


Current trends and beyond - Business transformation and restrictions
- Electronic transactions
- Central Bank Digital Currency
- Foreign business restrictions


Walking through TP secondary regulations released under the new TP law


TP cases studies, benchmarking, TP methodologies selection


Thai Tax updates and E-Taxes


BEPS Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 – How will this impact on Thailand Taxation?


Japanese session - Thai tax update, customs enforcement and export control update, Transfer Pricing regulation and BOI incentives


Chinese session – Tax & Legal update

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Tuesday, 22 Feb 2022 09:00 a.m. ET
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