
Event Privacy Statement

Last revised: 12 July 2022


This Event Privacy Statement describes how Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies in Thailand (collectively referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our”) collect, use, store, disclose or transfer (collectively referred to as “Process” or “Processing”) your personal data in relation to your registration and attendance of our events, exhibitions, tradeshows and/or other related activities (collectively referred to as “Event”) in accordance with the Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (A.D. 2019) (“PDPA”).

This Event Privacy Statement applies to your personal data we receive prior to or from the Event, including personal data in the possession of organizations who are not our affiliates which we have engaged to Process the personal data for our purposes stated in the Event Privacy Statement.

By attending the Event, you acknowledge the use of your personal data as described in this Event Privacy Statement.

This Event Privacy Statement may be supplemented or amended from time to time by other privacy statements that are specific to each Event.

If you have any questions regarding this Event Privacy Statement, please contact us.

Personal data collection

We will collect your personal data only if it is necessary and we have proper reasons to Process your Personal Data. Such data may consist of, but not limited to, the following data:

  1. Personal Details: Name and surname, nickname, gender, date of birth, nationality, marital status, signature, etc.;
  2. Contact Details: Addresses, telephone numbers, mobile numbers, email addresses, social media accounts (e.g., Line ID, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), etc.;
  3. Employment Details: Occupations, title or position, etc.;
  4. Identification Details: Identification number or passport number, or other similar information issued by official government;
  5. Marketing and Communications Details: Your preferences in receiving marketing details from us, including your communication preferences, etc.;
  6. Financial Details: Bank accounts, debit or credit card details, etc.; and
  7. Other personal data: CCTV or video footage, video and voice records, photographs, either taken at our premises or other places we hold the Event, etc.

We may also store and maintain any personal data that you provide, including but not limited to, on any blogs, forums, wikis and other social media platforms.

We do not usually seek to Process any sensitive personal data (e.g., data relating to race or ethnic, religion, beliefs, political opinion, criminal record, physical or mental health, sexual orientation, etc.) from you. We will, where necessary, obtain your explicit consent to collect such sensitive personal data.

If you are required to provide us with any personal data relating to third parties, you agree to notify such third parties that we may Process their personal data and of the terms of this Event Privacy Statement as well as obtaining their consents in accordance with the PDPA and form designated by us (if necessary).

Collection method

Generally, we may Process your personal data you voluntarily provide in the course of or in connection with your attendance of the Event by various methods, including but not limited to, the following methods:

  1. When you register to participate or attend the Event organized by us;
  2. When you visit our websites or other online channels;
  3. When you communicate to us, including calls or other means;
  4. When we receive your personal data from the third parties e.g., banks, etc.
  5. When you respond to our surveys in relation to a seminar;
  6. When you sign up for newsletters and marketing activities from us;
  7. Photographs or videos of you and/or any other accompanied persons (e.g., your family members, friends, etc.) taken by us or our representatives when you attend Event hosted by us;
  8. CCTV recordings while you and/or any other accompanied persons are within our premises and Event. The CCTV cameras may be placed at strategic locations such as door entrance/exit, reception areas, common walkways and locked storage areas. In addition to security reasons, the CCTV footages will be disclosed to our management for employees’ code of conduct, disciplinary and enforcement purposes.

Personal data usage

We will use your Personal Data only if it is necessary and we have proper reasons to Process the Personal Data, and we may Process your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. To verify your identity and respond to your requests;
  2. To communicate with you about our Event;
  3. To process and manage Event registration and participation;
  4. To manage your payment;
  5. To maintain and update your contact information;
  6. To explore your interests on our products and/or services and develop marketing activities;
  7. To protect the security and integrity of our Event, premises and businesses;
  8. To comply with our legal obligations;
  9. To exercise our rights or protect our legitimate interests where it is necessary to do so, for example, to detect or prevent fraud claims, intellectual property infringement claims or violations of laws;
  10. To contact you with marketing communications and offers relating to our products and/or services, whether or not we have analyzed to meet your specific needs;
  11. To provide you with your requested products and/or services;
  12. To improve and assure our services quality; and
  13. To manage a relationship between you and us.

We may Process your personal data to fulfill the above purposes based on the following legal bases:

  1. To meet our contractual obligations with you under any agreements we enter into with you or to take any necessary steps before entering into such agreements;
  2. To comply with our legal obligations, for example, to accommodate you with your rights available under the PDPA, to report to the authorities as required by laws, to defend our legal rights, etc.; and
  3. To exercise our rights or protect our legitimate interests, for example, to further communicate with you, to understand your needs, to provide a security, etc.

If consent is required for the Processing of personal data, we will specifically request it from you and your choice not to give us consent will not affect your request to join our Event.

If you fail to provide the personal data we request, we may not be able to provide our services to you (for example, to allow you to participate our Event).

In addition, we shall notify and seek your consent (if necessary) before Processing the personal data for a purpose which has not been notified to you (except where permitted or authorized by law).

Personal data disclosure

We will share your personal data only if it is necessary and we have proper reasons to Process the personal data, and we may need to share your personal data for the purposes mentioned in this Event Privacy Statement with others, including but not limited to:

  1. Sub-contractors, agents or service providers who work for us or provide the services to us, including their employees, sub-contractors, service providers, directors and officers;
  2. Anyone who provides instructions or operates on your behalf, e.g., Power of Attorney, lawyers, etc.;
  3. Financial institutions, and payment service providers;
  4. Any people or companies where required in connection with a potential or actual corporate restructuring, merger, acquisition or takeover, including any transfer or potential transfer of any of our rights or duties under our agreement with you;
  5. Law enforcement, government, courts, dispute resolution bodies, regulators, auditors and any parties appointed or requested to carry out investigations or audits of our activities;
  6. Other parties involved in any disputes;
  7. Fraud prevention agencies who will also use it to detect and prevent fraud and other financial crime and to verify your identity; and/or
  8. Anybody else that we have been instructed to share your Personal Data with by you.

In addition, we may transfer certain personal data to other countries. When we transfer your personal data to overseas, we will ensure that those countries have an appropriate level of personal data protection and the transfers are lawful.

Personal data retention

We will retain your personal data for as long as such personal data is reasonably required to fulfil the Processing purposes specified in this Event Privacy Statement and as required by applicable laws. We will delete, destroy or anonymize the personal data Processed once its retention is no longer serve the purposes mentioned in this Event Privacy Statement, or until you request us to delete it and we are able to do so.

Your rights

Under PDPA, you have the right to access and/or obtain a copy of, correct, request for erasure and/or transfer of, and object or restrict the Processing of your personal data. If we rely on your consent for the Processing of the personal data collected, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You also have the right to lodge a complaint to related government entities under the PDPA.

Security measure

We have in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all personal data provided by you via this Event from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of personal data, in compliance with the PDPA.

Changes to our Event Privacy Statement

We may modify or amend this Event Privacy Statement from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Event Privacy Statement, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page, and such modified or amended Event Privacy Statement shall be effective as to you and your personal data as of that revision date. We encourage you to periodically review this Event Privacy Statement to be informed about how we are Processing and protecting your personal data.

Children's privacy protection

We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy. It is our policy to Process the personal data of anyone under the age of 20 in accordance with the PDPA.

Contact us

If you wish to exercise your rights relating to your personal data or if you have any questions or concerns regarding this Event Privacy Statement, please contact us.